Privacy Statement

All the information that we collect from customers or potential customers (such as via the registration form) is considered to be completely confidential between the customer and ourselves.

We NEVER disclose any of this information to third parties and you will never receive unsolicited contacts from other companies or individuals arising from your giving such data to us.

We may however contact you ourselves with regard to our own products.   By registering or ordering you have shown that the products are of interest to you and it is therefore probable that you may like to learn more or to be updated about new additions to the range, forthcoming shows where they can be seen etc.  If you would prefer not to receive such communications from us please let us know and you can also request at any time for your data to be removed from our records.

Please note that the data provided by yourselves is not kept in an online database (and cannot therefore be accessed by hackers) and also that we do not keep particularly sensitive information such as credit card data in any sort of electronic form.

If you have any further questions about the use to which your data will be put (or if you would like to remove your data from our records) please feel free to contact us.


Marita Jewellery May 2004






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            Copyright© Marita Jewellery 2004